Do What You Love Retreat Part 3 – Flora Bowley Painting Workshop

Flora painting demo

Flora painting demo - (Photo Iphone)

This is definitely the hardest post to write about the DWYL retreat. And it has ended up as such a long post that I’m going to break it into two .

Choosing to do the painting workshop was a definite shove outside my comfort zone.  I’ve wanted to paint for a long time but been either scared or unsure about how to approach it. And not sure if I could let go enough to get past the feeling of being dissatisfied with the result.

The long list of paints we had to get before hand, those tricky foam “brushes” which caused raised eyebrows in some of the Edinburgh Art Stores, none of this was terribly reassuring. But at the same time I had butterflies about the idea of it.

However, the welcome and the first evening at the retreat was so relaxing and enjoyable that my worries started to fade away a bit.  All our luggage was taken away and brought to our little eco houses while we chatted with each new arrival, drank tea and ate cakes. Dinner in the tipi and more chatting followed.

By morning I was a little apprehensive but curious about how it would unfold. Flora had the perfect technique for dealing with slightly anxious would – be painters. First off a little intro in a circle so that we could see who we were sharing the class with and then outside onto the grass for a bit of stretching to loosen up. For our first marks on the canvas she put some boppy music on and had us apply paint using our hands and fingers, allowing the music to direct us, all the while keeping our eyes closed. It really got past that “white canvas” fear that many people have.  And then, using the foam brushes and other implements she guided us through a whole series of ways to make marks.

After a while we had to move around the room stopping at all the other paintings and she would again direct us to make a certain mark – sometimes swirling the brush round, sometimes creating short dashes, or dots or an angry mark. It was quite interesting to note the feeling of detachment to the other paintings and that helped us to have the same approach to our own. We were advised to regularly turn our painting upside down, or round by 90 %- again to let intuition guide the painting rather than trying to force something. Flora worked on a demo painting throughout and she also regularly turned her picture upside down.

Painting tent

Painting tent - (Photo Iphone)

By the end of the first day I was thoroughly enjoying the process – although I didn’t like how either of my canvases were looking. I think most of the group were feeling that way. Undeterred Flora had us choose the one that we preferred and in turn we found some tiny corner of our painting that we did like. And here the marvel of acrylics comes into its own – if you don’t like something you can paint right over the top. In fact most of our paintings have at least 10 layers – possibly more. The painting below is one of mine from the first day- there was very little of that left by the next day.(I didn’t take many pictures during the retreat as I wanted to have a change of pace and not look through the viewfinder so much. All the photos I did take were Iphonography ones )

Reviewing Paintings - First day

Reviewing Paintings - First day - Photo Tara Leaver

On the second day we continued to work on the two canvas in rotation – a good system as it allows one to dry while the other is being worked on. At around the time I was starting to pull my paintings towards something I liked a bit more Flora stood in the middle of the marquee , took a deep breath , and invited us to give one of our paintings away to our neighbour. For ever. There were a few gasps. But surprisingly, no uproar , as we quickly understood that this was yet another lesson in working with “what is” and trying to keep a bit of detachment. And again a reminder that anything we didn’t like could be painted over. And anything in the painting we’d given away that we liked, we could repeat.

The time whizzed by so quickly. Every now and then Flora would demonstrate another technique. Or put on some music to do another bit of stretching or dancing. Or if you really felt stuck she would make gentle suggestions about what you could try next. It was absorbing and challenging but never felt uncomfortable – and at the end of the second day most of us had completed two paintings ! For me , one felt more completed than the other but I still decided I was done with them for now -so that I could just work on my third canvas the next day.

Final installment on Thursday.


Would you like to be the first to know what’s going on behind the scenes ? Monthly Subscriber Bonus ? Little snippets of creative goodness ? Freebie Digital Downloads ? Here’s where to go Studio Newsletter Sign Up

Sustenance for the Planning

Black Bean Soup - Iphonography

Black Bean Soup - Iphonography

( Black Bean Soup – courtesy of  Nigella’s recipe – made with stock from the unlikely sounding Coca Cola Baked Ham. )

A photo post today as I put the finished touches to tomorrow’s Studio Newsletter. After the blog posts of choosing a Word for the Year and other related resources I’ll be collecting a few tools for keeping track of progress. If you’d like a copy you can subscribe here – and you’ll also get some freebie downloads that you can print out, including some cards with matching envelopes and a mini taster calendar.

The Year In Review – A Few Favourites.

Maison Bleu - Edinburgh - sx70 Polaroid Painting

Maison Bleu - Edinburgh - sx70 Polaroid Painting

Inspired by Alyson Stanfield of I’m rounding up a few of my favourites from this year…

Books –

Purple Citrus and Sweet Perfume by Silvena Rowe – Wonderful Bulgarian/Turkish cookbook.

Water For Elephants by Sara Guerin – one of my favourite fiction reads of the year.

Donna Leon’s series of crime books set in Venice. Not really my thing, detective fiction, but somehow everything being set in Venice makes it all quite different.

Crush-It by Gary Vaynerchuk – Biz category – He’s a real inspiration in using the internet to build his business.

( I did read quite a lot during the year, but not many things that I  enjoyed enough to recommend. And some things that I have persevered with but still not finished, like The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk ( Sorry Orhan, I love your other books)

Films –

The Illusionist –  There is more than one film with this name – I mean the animated film set in Edinburgh. Although with a slow rather melancholy story the images more than make up for it. If you’ve ever been to Edinburgh it is a real treat.

(I will gloss over the fact that in going to see this film during the film festival I inadvertently gate crashed the red carpet, so I can tick “walk on the red carpet ” off my “to do ” list.)

Constantin and Elena – Just a beautiful film depicting the life in rural Romania of the film maker’s grandparents. Their self sufficiency, extreme proficiency in tasks from baking to butchery to weaving somehow highlights what “city dwellers” have lost. And their cheerfulness in all that they do is inspirational.


The Gypsy Kings and Queens. I saw this in January and was a perfect way to kickstart the year. High energy, marvellous musicianship ( that doesn’t even begin to describe it) dancing in the aisles , and because of Alicia’s influence, thanking the musicians at the stage door. I always feel too shy to do that but saw that they did appreciate it.

( with added bonus of meeting my accordion hero Phil Cunningham afterwards )


For different reasons –

Thassos- Sunny , recharging relaxation.

and Venice – Just beauty everywhere you look.


Leon Morocco

Impressionist’s Gardens

Matisse to Malevich at the Amsterdam Hermitage


Podcast workshop with Inner Ear

The Firestarter Sessions by Danielle Laporte. I’ve written about them here. They are not something I’ve worked with once and then set aside. I go back to different parts whenever I want to add a bit of extra energy or clarity to what I’m doing.

Local Shop

Hannah Zakari – A lovely addition to the shops in Edinburgh selling an eclectic mix of arty goodness. They also have an online shop so no need to miss out if you are far away.

Online Shop

Oh where to start, far too many to mention, so I’ll limit myself to my latest – Sweet Anthem Perfumes. I have a bit of a weakness for perfume which I blame on a stint in Paris where I was given a bag full of samples from all the big names by a friend of a friend who was a perfume rep. So , my little end of year “present to me” was some samples from them. Out of the five samples I really like 4 , which isn’t bad going – now just have to decide which one I’ll choose.

Have you got a list ?

Let me know in the comments or leave a link to your blog – I love these kinds of lists as a way of discovering new things.

Have a safe and happy Hogmanay and a wonderful 2011 !

December Views and a Giveaway…

winter candles

winter candles

Candles for the winter solstice. Somehow rather interesting that there was also a full lunar eclipse today – only the second to occur on the shortest day “since time began” ( or at least our counted version of it). I did try to see it but there was too much cloud cover. I have seen it in the past and it was quite an amazing sight.

In other news, Cynthia Morris of Original Impulse is hosting a giveaway of one of my “12 City” Calendars for 2011. Have a look at the video and leave your comment on her blog to be in with a chance.

Original Impulse Juju Infusion Calendar Giveaway.

December Views – In a Retro Kitchen ?

Retro Kitchen ? Iphonography

Retro Kitchen ? Iphonography

Retro Kitchen ? Iphonography

Retro Kitchen ? Iphonography

Retro Kitchen ? Iphonography

Retro Kitchen ? Iphonography

This December View is not all that it seems – you could be forgiven for thinking you were back in the 70s…Why did they like orange and lime green so much in that decade ? Anyway, this is a kitchen with a twist. If you are in Edinburgh you can find it for yourself !

New Subscriber Bonus is Up !

A glimspe at the Subscriber Bonus

A glimspe at the Subscriber Bonus

Hurray – As always, took far longer to pull together than seems reasonable , but it’s done now. After a bit of brainstorming with some friends they suggested making a little seasonal emergency kit.

You’ll find tags you can print out. Some little cards and a matching envelope.  ( You can customise those yourself with a little tweaking of the hue) A few bookmarks and little single sided cards and finally a mini “taster” calendar to print out yourself featuring a few images from each of this year’s calendars. I think the calendar pages would be ideal for mood/pin boards, or tucking in notebooks or even tying up with a little bow and sending in a card for one of those “just because” moments.

So if you’d like these goodies you can subscribe here. My Studio Newsletter comes out once a month on the first Thursday  – and I also try to keep it full of interesting snippets on the whole spectrum of photo technques, living the creative life and other delectable tidbits.

( If you already subscribe but would like this little pack just let me know and I’ll send you the link. )

Greetings Cards and Postcards.

Spent a little time today reorganising the cards in my Etsy shop and greeting little sets that include greetings cards, postcards and stickers. I like buying those kind of combinations myself because they can be used for a multitude of purposes.

I’ve also been experimenting with brooches and magnets ove the last couple  of weeks and they’ve been getting good reactions , so there should be a few of them appearing in my shop over the next couple of days. The  “Colour Collection” section of my Etsy shop is still at the introductory price for one more day, after that it will go up to the usual price. Those prints are the “non Polaroid” ones which are printed on fantastic pearly/metallic paper. The images really have a wonderful quality on this paper and I wonder why I waited so long to try it out !  I am going to be framing a set of the Venice ones , so I’ll post a picture once they are framed and hanging up.

Pomegranates on Thassos

Sadly they weren’t ready to eat when I was there but there were many pomegranate trees all  over the island. If you’d like a little glimpse into what its like to live on Thassos you can have a look at this blog – and  maybe it will even tempt you to visit yourself.

Hydrangeas and Pears

Its not all Venice these days, I’ve also been processing a lot of the floral shots I took over the summer. I’m really looking forward to having a garden again so that I can grow flowers myself and not be dependant on what I can find in flower shops or at the market. Although I have to say that the wild flowers from the farmer’s market have been really inspiring over the last couple of months. Again, both of these images are in the “Colour Collection” section of my Etsy shop.

August Break – Apple.



Not an Iphone photograph this time, but a photo from last week’s “Kitten Photoshoot” . The intention was to create a set of images of a nest of kittens before they all go off to find new homes. Well, apart from little Apple shown here. She’ll be allowed to stay on with Mum and Adopted Granny cat – and hope that she can win them over in the end.  If it hadn’t been for minor details like quarantine regulations and being allergic to cats I’d have been tempted to take one myself.

 By the way, if you haven’t yet subscribed to my Studio Newsletter you can do so here. The next issue will be out on Thursday ( a little delayed due to my last trip) and will have a summery flavour. For now you can also get two free postcard downloads as a thank you.