August Break Day 20 – Spiegel Tent

spiegel tent

The Spiegel Tents are back in town. This one is at the Edinburgh Book Festival, but there are several others dotted around town. I think they are fabulous structures and straight away create an interesting atmosphere. But really, they come into their own when used for dancing – the wooden floors make a great surface.

August Break Day 19


Taking the liberty of using yesterday’s August Break prompt of “looking down”. This is from up on the hill overlooking South Queensferry.

A day of sorting and organising and newsletter writing. If you’d like to make sure you get a copy when it goes out later this week then you can sign up here. I aim to send out a newsletter around once a month but that can be a bit flexible. And if there is something time sensitive I might send an additional wee note. It’s enjoyable to have this additional way of keeping in touch and I’ll often give a bit more information than I share on my blog. Plus, as there are often replies it can feel like a different kind of conversation compared to blogging. Anyway, if you are interested I’d love to see you “over there”.