Quick Peek Inside and Outside.

Getting ready for the commute

Getting ready to go to the studio


Although the distance isn’t so far , I still don’t want to be running back and forth all the time.  So until I am set up with kettle etc I am preparing a basket with a thermos and some sustenance. Making new rituals. I’ve never really thought about it in that way before, but when I think about it, it is what I do in any new place, even when I visit for a very short time. Create patterns, settle into a space.

I still have quite a lot of arranging to do inside the studio, but my desk is there with computer equipment. And those all important boards to pin up daily inspirations.

And finally a shot of the view. I think my work is going to show a bit of influence from the sea and coastlines quite soon. I’m enjoying watching the river traffic go by. And one day soon I’m planning to take the boat to Inchcolm island. It’s a bit of a special place to me with regard to photography as it is the first place I took the camera away to use on my own aged 10 or so. Little brown Kodak and light meter and off I went.

ViewMy next studio newsletter will be out later this week, if you’d like a copy you can subscribe here . And if you use Facebook please pop over to the StarryBlueSky page and “Like” it. You will be eligible for a special offer and also be included in the monthly draw that I am going to start over there.

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