My Creative Space – Thursday

My creative space today involved the “ginormous” canvas and my palette. Even though I’ve been trying to make progress on a lot of fronts I did carve out a little space to work a bit more on this canvas. I can’t say I like how it is looking yet, but I will just add another layer, paint over what I don’t like, keep what I do like. Turn it upside down if I really feel stuck. Wonder how it will finally turn out.

On other fronts I have a few more things “in the works” as well as keeping on with the cushion developments. I’m now at the stage of ordering more fabric for the designs I am happy with.

And also , its my birthday next week and I will be doing a little “something”. If you’d like to make sure you are in the loop , I’d invite you to subscribe to my Studio Newsletter ( see top right) and get some downloadable freebies too.

5 thoughts on “My Creative Space – Thursday

  1. Your painting looks lovely so far. I can tell you are using the Flora techniques and I am chomping at the bit to do the same . I just can’t seem to find the time to begin ‘arting’. I don’t have a studio where I can spread out and leave the art supplies where they are for spontaneous creating. Ah, well…I suppose that’s no excuse. It looks like you are so very fortunate to have a fantastic place to paint.
    Keep us posted as to the progression of your canvas. I can’t wait to see it!


  2. So night to see you painting too! I look forward to seeing the end result. I just posted my latest “in progress” painting today for Paint Party Friday, you should consider linking in too. I have some trouble with the idea of posting things while in progress, but it’s good for me to let myself be “less than perfect.”

  3. @Lynsey – lovely to be back in touch with you 🙂 I will be popping over to visit you again regularly 🙂

    @Emily – Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, it’s true I do have a lovely space to paint in now, although my studio is more set up for photography, so when I want to paint I wheel my printer away , which is on a chest with wheels, put down a bit of plastic, stack one or two cardboard boxes depending on the height, and put my canvas on the top of that ! Where there’s a will there’s a way ! I wish I hadn’t waited so long to get going too ! I challenge you – find a wee corner in your house or around that could fit in a bit of painting 🙂 Most of my previous artistic endevours started out on the kitchen table, in time honoured fashion !

    @Hi Kylie, thanks for dropping by. Mr Squiggle ?

    @ Kat – Will hop over now and have a look at your “work in progress”. I know what you mean about feeling reluctant to post things that aren’t finished or “perfect” But hey ho, I’ve just decided that all that doesn’t matter 🙂 I really enjoy seeing the work of others as it goes through different stages.

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